Flyby Group announces a new CEO for siHealth subsidiary

May 14, 2024

sisiHeWith great joy and pride, Flyby Group announces a significant appointment within its subsidiary siHealth. After years of dedication and commitment to our corporate mission, today we celebrate an extraordinary step forward: the appointment of Marco Morelli as the new CEO for our siHealth.

This appointment represents a moment of great importance in the history of our Dr. Marco Morelli. It is the result of a journey of growth, successes, and challenges faced together, with the fundamental contribution of each of our collaborators. Over the years, these exceptional individuals have devoted themselves to technological advancement and tirelessly worked towards the company’s growth.

As with the other two subsidiaries, i-EM and Flysight, and their respective CEOs, Flyby Group fully recognizes the remarkable commitment that Marco has demonstrated over these years. We are confident that, under his leadership, siHealth will be able to further distinguish itself and contribute to the continuous growth of our group. 

We congratulate the new CEO on this extraordinary achievement and look forward to collaborating with him to continue advancing our mission of excellence and innovation.

About siHealth

Cognitive Mobile Healthcare Solutions

siHealth offers the latest innovations in environmental health, photobiology, and advanced image and data analytics technologies, by using mobile apps and web solutions to help people to live healthier, encouraging preventive healthcare in dermatology diagnosis and treatment.

About the CEO

After graduating in Physics, Marco Morelli joined the group in 2011 as Research Scientist and Project Manager. His passion for study and innovation continued over the years, leading him to get a PhD in Applied Physics at the University of Milan (Italy) and then an Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Bayes Business School of the City University of London. In 2017, Marco started the operations of siHealth as CTO, playing a crucial role in shaping the company and fostering a skilled and cohesive team. His dedication has led him to the appointment as CEO today.

For further information, please visit his LinkedIn profile.

From the left: Emilio Simeone (Flyby Group CEO) and Marco Morelli (siHealth CEO)